Philadelphia DUI Accident Injury Attorney
Recovering from a Drunk Driving Accident
Get the Auto Accident Attorneys Who Will Fight for Your Rights
Though the number of deaths and injuries has gone down over the past 10 years, drunk driving accidents continue to plague innocent drivers and pedestrians. In 2011 alone, there were 407 drunk driving deaths in Pennsylvania, 162 in Maryland, 41 in Delaware, and 193 in New Jersey.*
Each year, these unnecessary tragedies are a source of pain and grief for the families and friends of far too many people.
Finding Those Responsible
Sometimes more than one person is found responsible in a DUI accident. Bars and restaurants are now being held legally responsible for continuing to serve customers they know are already drunk. Liquor stores and even the hosts of private parties can also be sued when they over-serve someone and an accident results.
Many bars fail to demand ID or accept fake IDs. Servers have a responsibility to know who they are serving, and when a customer is showing signs of drunkenness, such as boasting, loud speech, drinking alone or too fast, ordering doubles, slurred speech, or falling asleep.
Let the Personal Injury Attorneys of Gay Chacker & Ginsburg Help
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an accident caused by a drunk driver, you need capable attorneys to handle the legal aspect, while you recover both physically and emotionally.
Our skilled and seasoned auto accident attorneys, based in Philadelphia, will pursue damages for you against a drunk driver and their insurance company, and anyone else responsible for the accident. You deserve to be compensated for losses including medical bills, lost income, future treatment and therapy, and pain and suffering.
Contact us now to learn more about how we can help in a drunk driving accident case. There is no risk or obligation. We charge you no legal fees unless we recover money damages for you. Call us today at 215-567-7955 for a free consultation, and let us help you and your family start to recover your lives.