James A. Wells to Serve Second Term as Chair of Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates

Attorney James A. Wells’s selection as PBA House of Delegates Chair is a new highlight in a career characterized by organized bar leadership at the local, state, and national levels.
James A. Wells, associate attorney at Gay Chacker & Ginsburg, was elected chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates in May of 2023. He will now be serving his second term.
The PBA House of Delegates was first established in 1966 and is responsible for deciding PBA policy. Wells has been an active member of the PBA for more than 20 years. He has served on the House of Delegates since 2001 and on the PBA Professional Liability Committee since 2018. He also has served on the PBA Board of Governors, Law-Related Education Committee, Long-Range Planning Committee, and Finance Committee.
Wells’s PBA leadership dates back to the early years of his career. From 2004 to 2005, he was the chair of the PBA Young Lawyers Division.
“I’ve been involved with the Pennsylvania Bar Association my entire career, and chairing the House of Delegates is an exciting opportunity for me to give back to the profession,” Wells said. “It’s an incredible honor to be selected.”
In addition to his involvement with the Pennsylvania Bar Association, Wells is active in the leadership of the American Bar Association (ABA). Within the ABA’s Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section, Wells is a member of both the Plaintiff’s Practice Standing Committee and the Special Standing Committee on Ethics.
He has written extensively for American Bar Association publications and served as a speaker at ABA events.
Wells has been practicing law for over 25 years and has been with Gay Chacker & Ginsburg since 2018. He primarily represents victims of catastrophic injuries and has extensive experience litigating cases involving workplace accidents, premises liability, medical negligence, car accidents, and civil rights violations.
Gay Chacker & Ginsburg is a personal injury law firm located in Philadelphia. It was founded in 1965, and its award-winning attorneys regularly make Pennsylvania’s annual list of top 100 verdicts and settlements. To learn more, visit https://gayandchacker.com/