Medical malpractice: Birth injuries could lead to lawsuits

Birth injuries may be a nightmare every soon-to-be parent fears. Unfortunately, these injuries do take place, and there are instances in which the child could suffer permanent damage. If such injuries occur due to negligent actions on the part of hospital staff, there may be cause for the affected families to file medical malpractice claims.
Pennsylvania residents may be interested in a recent birth injury case in another state. Reports indicated that a child and her family were awarded $4.2 million by the trial jury. The case was filed against the obstetrics practice where the child was presumably born as well as a nurse-midwife who worked as part of the delivery team. Details on how the injuries occurred were not given in the report.
The child — who is now 7 years old — has only limited use of one of her arms as a result of the nerve damage suffered at her birth. The damage was reported as being permanent. The lawsuit was filed in 2011, and the recent verdict was said to be a welcome outcome by the family’s legal representation.
If parents have gone through the traumatic ordeal of having their child suffer birth injuries, they may not know where to turn. Luckily, as this case shows, legal options may be available for those victims who wish to seek compensation for resulting damages. Pennsylvania residents who are interested in taking legal action may wish to find out more information on medical malpractice claims, and speaking with experienced attorneys may be a viable way to do so.
Source:, “Jury awards $4.2 million for birth injury“, Frank Juliano, Nov. 1, 2016