Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Pennsylvania

We Offer a No-Recovery, No-Fee Contingency to Fight Your Case

Our Philadelphia motorcycle accident attorneys have successfully processed numerous claims for clients injured or involved in motorcycle accidents. Gay Chacker & Ginsburg Trial Lawyers can litigate on behalf of aggrieved parties in Pennsylvania. We will thoroughly cover all our bases when examining the paperwork and laws related to your claim. The extent of damage in these accidents affects vehicles, pedestrians, buildings, and fellow motorcyclists. With the possible involvement of multiple parties, it is essential to have an experienced legal team on your side.

Contact us at 215-567-7955 to get started with a free consultation.

Recovering Your Losses

Fair representation has been statistically proven to increase the likelihood of compensation and can better assist you as you recover from your losses. When you are involved in a motorcycle accident, compensation from your insurer should be considered first. Additional claims can potentially be made against other motorists or municipalities if the accident was caused by hazardous roadways or defective traffic signals.

motor cycle crash

Increased prevalence of motorcycle accidents has grieved us and numerous families. At Gay Chacker & Ginsburg Trial Lawyers, we take it upon ourselves to reduce the cases of negligence associated with them in a bid to keep our cities safe. The last thing that any motorcycle owner should be dealing with is the uncertainty of compensation for personal losses and long-term injuries as a result of an accident in our city.

Helping You Earn Compensation for Your Injuries

Injuries from motorcycle accidents are among the highest fatality rates for motor vehicle accidents in our country.

Some common injuries that result from motorcycle-related accidents include:

  • Broken bones
  • Loss of limbs
  • Paralysis

The litigation of your motorcycle accident case may be further complicated when the driver of the vehicle that struck you does not have enough insurance or has no insurance at all. Our motorcycle accidents lawyers in Philadelphia can deal with these issues and others as they relate to your case. Gay Chacker & Ginsburg has the experience and resources to help you work toward the compensation you deserve.

Our competent motorcycle accident lawyers serve clients in Pennsylvania. Call 215-567-7955 to speak with us today.