Holding Automakers Accountable For Defective Seat Belts, Air Bags, Ignition Switches And More

Were you hurt in an accident that was caused or made worse by a defective auto part? Automakers have been in the news frequently in recent years for failing to report known safety defects and neglecting to recall dangerous vehicles. In some cases, they’ve failed to issue seat belt recalls, air bag recalls and ignition switch recalls until people lost their lives.

At the Philadelphia law office of Gay Chacker & Ginsburg, we protect the rights of people who have been injured due to dangerous and defective auto parts. We also help those who have lost loved ones in fatal accidents seek justice and hold negligent parties accountable.

The Experience You Need To Go Up Against An Auto Company

If you have knowledge of a potentially defective auto part, it is important to report it to the automaker. Unfortunately, this is likely to get you nowhere. Auto companies have massive teams of strategic and aggressive lawyers, and it is not easy or wise for individual consumers to face them alone.

You need an experienced and aggressive attorney on your side to protect your interests; to ensure you don’t say anything to an automaker or insurance company that will be twisted and used against you; and to fight to make things right.

Gay Chacker & Ginsburg was established in 1965. Over the past five decades, we have earned a reputation for providing strong legal counsel and getting outstanding personal injury case results for our clients. You can trust us to stand by you and your family and do everything we can to help you recover.

Talk To Our Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorneys About Your Options

Contact us by calling (215) 567-7955 or fill out this form to schedule a free legal consultation. We will review your case and talk to you about your options. There is no risk or obligation to hire us. We handle car accident cases on contingency, which means there are no legal fees unless we recover money for you.