$325K Settlement for Client Who Slipped on Icy Sidewalk in Winter

Gay Chacker & Ginsburg Trial Lawyers in Philadelphia secured a $325,000 settlement for a client who suffered broken bones from a slip and fall accident. Our law firm has a reputation for succeeding in slip and fall accident claims, having managed many such cases in our decades of legal experience. What makes this case so interesting and potentially groundbreaking is we won a settlement for a pedestrian who slipped on ice after leaving a parking garage in the middle of wintry conditions.
Details of the Wintry Parking Garage Slip & Fall Case
The night before our client’s accident, it had snowed. The next day, our client was leaving a parking garage during the winter and had only taken a couple steps on the sidewalk when he suddenly slipped on a patch of ice. He suffered serious injuries to one wrist and elbow, and an old injury to his knee was exacerbated from the fall.
At a cursory glance, it might be tempting to simply say people should be mindful of ice in the winter and try to say the owner of the parking garage has no liability in this matter. However, our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers were determined to both provide our client with a fair compensatory recovery but to also reinforce premises liability rules and expectations in our state.
Gay Chacker & Ginsburg worked closely with weather experts to show that the property owner should have reasonably known ice would have collected on the ground following the precipitation. In such an event, immediate action should be carried out to help prevent falls, such as salting the ground or placing warning signs. We also relied on medical and vocational professionals to clearly demonstrate the extent of our client’s injuries suffered in the fall. With our proven track record in slip and fall cases that occur on city sidewalks and streets or on commercial property, we were able to move the case forward with a strong evidential backing, leading to the securement of a $325,000 settlement.
Would you like to know more about Gay Chacker & Ginsburg and our personal injury case representation? Contact our Philadelphia law firm at 215-567-7955 to schedule a free initial consultation.