The Dangers of Traumatic Brain Injury

Primary brain damage shows up immediately. It can involve problems such as a fractured skull, blood clots, and nerve damage. But secondary brain damage develops slowly. It can lead to problems including:
Complications associated with TBI vary based on how the injury was sustained, how severe it is, and other factors. However, some complications are more common than others.
Seizures: If the head injury you suffered was penetrating in nature, you face a far higher chance of having seizures than if your injury was non-penetrating. TBI sufferers who experience seizures tend to shake from head to toe, and in many cases, they lose consciousness.
Infections and fevers: Fevers often result from an infection, but they may also develop because of blood clots or other related health problems. Most people with TBIs who develop infections do so in their bladder or lungs.
Bone fractures: Bone fractures sometimes accompany TBIs, likely due in part to the fact that TBIs are often the result of a serious accident that may cause other injuries in addition to the blow to the head. Fractures can be difficult to spot when someone has a severe TBI, and they are not always found until weeks or months later.
Blood clots or high blood pressure: Blood clots in the legs have the potential to travel through the body until they reach the lungs, where they are far more serious, even fatal. Separately, high blood pressure tends to affect a small percentage of TBI patients.
A TBI can also cause many short- or long-term health issues affecting a person’s ability to think, sense, or communicate. A brain injury can also have lasting emotional impact, causing depression, anxiety, personality changes, and more. Repeated TBIs can cause additional neurological issues and can be fatal. The recovery period associated with a brain injury can prove long and hard. If you or a loved one suffered a brain injury in an accident, you may want to get in touch with a lawyer.
Recovering Your Losses after Brain Injury
Get the Right Personal Injury Lawyers Working for You
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a very serious injury. However, many people do not even know when it has happened to them. They might have been in a low-impact car accident and thought they only got a bump on the head. Over time, the headaches, blurred vision, depression or memory loss are lingering and ongoing. They may go on without ever knowing how badly they were hurt.
If you’ve suffered a concussion or other form of TBI, our brain injury lawyers at Gay Chacker & Ginsburg can help. Contact us at 215-567-7955 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced brain injury lawyer. There is no risk or obligation. If you hire us to represent you, we will charge you no legal fees unless we recover compensation in your case.