1731 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130

Car accidents: Serious Pennsylvania crash proves deadly

Published May 20 2016 | Car Accidents

When traveling on the road, many individuals may witness actions of other drivers that could put innocent lives at risk. These actions could include driving the wrong direction, failing to heed traffic signals or numerous other factors. Unfortunately, any of these actions could cause serious car accidents and leave other drivers and passengers with serious or fatal injuries.

Father dies, daughter awarded $4 million for medical malpractice

Published Apr 7 2016 | Medical Malpractice

A $4 million verdict was recently handed down in an out-of-state medical malpractice case. The case involved an elderly man who had fallen down in a long-term care facility and later died. His daughter later filed a medical malpractice suit against that facility and won. Pennsylvania residents who believe they have been the victims of medical malpractice are legally entitled to do the same.

Doctor removes incorrect rib, woman claims medical malpractice

Published Mar 31 2016 | Medical Malpractice

A patient who was to undergo a relatively simple procedure is now suing a doctor at an out-of-state hospital after he reportedly removed the wrong part of her body during the operation. The woman’s suit claims that, during the operation, the doctor not only removed the wrong rib, but afterwards allegedly attempted to convince her that he had never made the mistake in the first place. When Pennsylvania residents suffer similarly at the hands of medical professionals, they are typically entitled to file medical malpractice suits against the responsible party or parties.

Medical malpractice suit filed after teen athlete dies

Published Feb 4 2016 | Medical Malpractice

Just over four years ago, a Northampton County teen athlete began complaining of shortness of breath and weakness during basketball practice. The 15-year-old was taken to an emergency room at a local hospital in Easton, where he was treated for what his physician believed was an asthma attack. He was released, but he went into cardiac arrest and died the next day. When Pennsylvania residents suffer harm due to a medical professionals’ negligence, they or their loved ones are typically entitled to file a medical malpractice suit against the responsible party or parties.  

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