1731 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130

Blog: Premises Liability

Dangerous property conditions in Pennsylvania may lead to personal injury claims

Published Feb 9 2017 | Premises Liability

When the conditions of an area lead to an individual slipping and falling, those conditions could cause the owner of the property to be held accountable financially for any resulting injuries. If an injured party would like to pursue compensation for damages resulting from such an incident, the victim may be able to pursue a personal injury claim, citing premises liability. Pennsylvania residents may be interested is such a situation that recently took place.

wet floor

Slip-and-fall accidents may warrant personal injury claims in Pennsylvania

Published Jan 19 2017 | Premises Liability

If an individual gets hurt while on property belonging to someone else, the situation could prove painful and potentially complicated. The injuries could cause considerable difficulties in the person’s life, and as a result, he or she may wish to seek compensation for damages resulting from the incident. If the injury-causing event was caused by negligent actions or inaction on the part of the property owner, there may be cause for a personal injury claim.

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