Pennsylvania DUI Accident Lawyers

Pennsylvania Lawyers Standing Up for Victims DUI Victims

The dangers associated with drunk driving are well documented and can lead to devastating consequences. These include loss of employment, large hospital bills, and even death in some cases.

Drunk driving statistics from the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) indicate that 4/10 of all car accidents in the United States are a result of driving under the influence. In 2004 alone, over 17,000 Americans lost their lives in drunk driving accidents. Driving under the influence is a criminal offense in most states.

Work With a Firm That Gets Results!

Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and the surrounding New Jersey area boasts of a number of prominent law firms with excellent attorneys, but not all are proven litigators. If you have been a victim of a collision caused by an impaired driver, our DUI accident lawyers in Pennsylvania can ensure justice is achieved.

One of the many cases our firm has handled resulted in a $985,000 settlement for a woman who was seriously injured by a drunk driver. The national chain was sued for serving a visibly intoxicated patron.

Let our experienced legal team stand up for your rights. Call Gay Chacker & Ginsburg at 215-567-7955 or contact us online for a free consultation with our Pennsylvania drunk driving accident lawyers.

The Dangers of Drunk Drivers

No vehicle crash is expected; being struck by a drunk driver, though, can sometimes feel far worse than a typical highway fender bender. Drunk drivers have a lowered sense of caution and slow reactions that cause them to propel their vehicles into others without attempting to avoid the crash or slow down. They may even fall asleep behind the wheel with a foot on the accelerator, sending them into head-on crashes across lanes, into the sides of cars at intersections, or into the rear of a car ahead of them.

Drivers driving under the influence are extremely likely to hit something directly in their path, having little or no ability to steer around the other car, or to stop. This means the unsuspecting occupants of a car in front of a DUI driver will sustain damage to their heads and spines, or horrific damage to their legs.

The burden to avoid a DUI accident rests entirely with the impaired driver. Part of the job of a DUI accident lawyer is to get DUI drivers to accept responsibility for the consequences of their selfish, dangerous actions.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports in a study that roughly one out of 50 Pennsylvanians admitted to driving after drinking too much; one out of every 50 other drivers you encounter every day could be a DUI driver. Your chances of needing a DUI accident lawyer are, unfortunately, even higher.

DUI Accident Injuries

As analytically and practically described in the textbook Nurse to Nurse Trauma Care written by Donna Nayduch, RN, injuries from motor vehicle collisions encompass the whole body, but concentrate on certain parts due to the tendency of occupants to move within the car after the crash:

  • “Up and Over” Injury — Head, face and cervical spine injuries from impact “up and over” the steering wheel into the windshield or sunroof; airbag injuries to the face, cervical spine and head; leg injuries if entangled under the dashboard or within the gas, clutch and brake pedals
  • “Down and Under” Injury — Leg entrapment in pedals, knee fracture or dislocation; possible cervical spine injury

Other injuries from DUI crashes can include thoracic and lumbar spine injury, hyperflexion in the T12 to L1 vertebrae, atlanto-occipital dislocation head injury, and burns or abrasions to the head and legs.

Recovering from these extensive injuries could take years. A good DUI accident lawyer will elicit testimony about the extent of your injuries, the prognosis, and your diminished ability to perform the tasks of everyday living.

Our DUI accident lawyers will work to arrive at a settlement that provides fair and just compensation for a future blighted by intensive physical therapy, repeated operations, occupational therapy, mental health intervention and more.

Potential Damages & Compensation for Your Injuries

The court usually assesses the damages suffered by a victim to determine the category in which they belong. Pecuniary damages are awarded for medical expenses and loss of income for the time a victim is out of work for example. For non-pecuniary damages, courts can award whatever sum they deem fit and just.

There are two types of damage categories incurred by a victim, which include:

  • Pecuniary: Damages that can be quantified, such as medical expenses
  • Nonpecuniary: Damages that cannot be quantified, such as pain and suffering

Gay Chacker & Ginsburg has extensive experience with these complex cases. We are well-versed in the relevant state laws, national standards, and required training programs. Our DUI attorneys will get to the root of the issue quickly and help you fight for your rights.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2018 statistics showed that impaired drivers under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication were involved in 5,175 fatal crashes, making it the second-highest contributing factor of fatal crashes in the United States after speeding. Unfortunately, studies continue to show that most drunk drivers involved in crashes have a history of DUIs.

Dram Shop Liability in Pennsylvania

A skilled firm like Gay Chacker & Ginsburg, through investigation, may be able to find that the drunk driver that caused the accident was served alcohol while visibly intoxicated at a bar or restaurant. This is called a Dram Shop action. If this did happen, it may provide additional coverage to provide you and your loved ones. The additional coverage would help pay for your bills, serious injuries, surgery and for an unfortunate wrongful death.

The term “dram” is the American spelling for the English word drachm. A drachm refers to a spoonful of gin as sold in English taverns in the 1700s. Dram shop cases can occur from negligence at bars, clubs, private organizations, social gatherings at a home, or wherever liquor is served.

Drivers Not Held Responsible

Dram Shop Liability Laws hold businesses or individuals who serve alcoholic beverages to a visibly intoxicated person legally responsible for damages in civil courts. The damages must be shown to be the result, in whole or in part, due to the impairment, and may include death, injury, or other damages.

The Dram Shop laws have been helpful in preventing deaths and injuries by changing the environment where alcohol is sold. Dram shop violation is a serious matter and provides an incentive to establish responsible policies for serving patrons and call further attention to the dangers of drinking and driving. If you have any questions about dram shop liability laws, do not hesitate to reach out to our drunk driving accident attorneys in Pennsylvania at Gay Chacker & Ginsburg.

What To do After a Car Accident With a Drunk Driver

If you were involved in a serious accident with a drunk driver and have severe injuries, seek emergency care immediately. If you are able to stay at the scene of the accident, be sure to do the following:

  • Call the police. Do not engage with the intoxicated driver — they may behave unpredictably during a high-stress situation.
  • Take pictures of the accident as well as damage to the vehicles.
  • Collect statements from bystanders who saw the accident — be sure to get their contact information as well.
  • Visit a doctor as soon as possible and maintain a record of your injuries and medical visits. Do this even if you do not immediately feel pain because you may not feel the consequence of an injury for several days.
  • Reach out to an experienced Pennsylvania drunk driving accident lawyer near you.

Gay Chacker & Ginsburg attorneys are experienced litigators for drunk driving accident related cases and will help you seek compensation for all potential damages. Call today! Our DUI accident lawyers in Pennsylvania can answer any of your questions.