False Diagnosis Lawyers in Philadelphia

Decades of Combined Experience Fighting for Compensation for Victims Throughout Pennsylvania & New Jersey
A false medical diagnosis has the ability to turn a victim’s life completely upside down. In many of these cases, the victim is subject to a series of drugs and tests to treat the misdiagnosed condition. Unfortunately, this could lead to more complex medical conditions on top of the original problem.

All medical personnel must adhere to a standard of quality medical care. When this duty of care is breached, the patient suffers the consequences. At Gay Chacker & Ginsburg Trial Lawyers, our team of highly skilled Philadelphia false diagnosis lawyers is committed to providing clients with passionate and thorough legal advocacy.

We work with clients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Call us today at 215-567-7955 to get started.

Types of Delayed Diagnosis & False Diagnosis

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 1 in 88 children is diagnosed with autism. A new study, however, shows that 10% of such children received a false diagnosis. False diagnosis of autism has been a major concern in the medical world, as these have led to the wrong treatment, and many children and families have suffered as a result.

Research also indicates that there has been an increase in false diagnosis of cancer. The exact figures being 3.9% for lung cancer, 3.1% for breast cancer, and 3.3% for colorectal cancer.

There are several health conditions which are commonly misdiagnosed, including:

  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Heart Disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Mental Illness
  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia

How to Prove a False or Delayed Diagnosis

When a patient sees a doctor because of a medical condition, the doctor typically asks questions and takes notes on the patient’s symptoms. From that initial assessment, they will make a list of what underlying illnesses could be causing the discomfort and may order a series of tests to make a diagnosis. If, because of negligence or ignorance, the doctor makes a false or delayed diagnosis, the patient could suffer further harm.

To prove a medical malpractice claim based on a false or delayed diagnosis, the patient must demonstrate that:

  • They had a doctor-patient relationship with their physician: The patient hired the doctor and was owed a certain level of care.
  • The doctor was negligent: The doctor failed to act in a manner that a reasonable professional would have in similar circumstances, which led to the false or delayed diagnosis.
  • They were harmed: The treatment they received (or did not receive) resulted in further injury that required more medical procedures.

At Gay Chacker & Ginsburg, we understand the seriousness of a false diagnosis claim, which is why we leverage our knowledge, skills, and resources to develop a compelling legal strategy. Our team will examine every detail of your case to help prove that you were harmed because of your doctor’s negligence or carelessness.