Truck accidents: Man dies after being hit by semi in Pennsylvania

Incidents that take place on roadways are unfortunately not few and far between. Car and truck accidents happen on a daily basis in varying degrees of severity. Some incidents may involve one vehicle, multiple vehicles, or a vehicle and a pedestrian. Whatever the case may be, if an individual is seriously injured or killed, legal action could result.
Civil litigation may be under consideration by the family of a young man recently killed in Pennsylvania. Reports stated that the 19-year-old man had been driving on Interstate 70 when he thought he struck something in the road. He pulled his vehicle to the side and exited to examine the vehicle for damage. While walking around his car, a semi-truck on the road hit the man.
The incident resulted in the young man suffering fatal injuries. He was declared dead just after 10 a.m. The driver of the tractor-trailer remained at the scene, and it was not mentioned whether that individual suffered any injuries. At the time of the report, authorities were continuing to investigate.
Truck accidents that have deadly outcomes may cause many complications, and the family of the victim may have many decisions to make in the aftermath of this Pennsylvania fatal incident. If they would like to pursue compensation for damages resulting from the event, they may want to explore their options for filing a wrongful death claim. This claim could potentially be filed against the truck driver as well as the company for which that individual works.
Source: CBS Pittsburgh, “Man, 19, Struck By Tractor Trailer On I-70“, July 16, 2016