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Types of Medical Negligence that May Lead to Medical Malpractice Case

imaging of chest

A medical malpractice case refers to situations in which a doctor or other healthcare professional provides medical care or treatment that is not up to the standard level of care. Due to this medical negligence, a patient can endure pain and suffering. The results can be long-lasting and permanent or cause disability or death to the patient. There are approximately 15,000 reported cases of medical malpractice annually in the United States.

When someone has been injured, or loses a family member due to medical negligence or medical malpractice, it is important for them to contact an attorney who specializes in medical malpractice cases in Philadelphia. Victims of medical malpractice deserve compensation for the pain, suffering and lost time at work that they have endured due to the substandard medical treatment they received. Damages can also include the need for future care, including surgery or household assistance.

Medical Malpractice Case

Here is a look at a few different types of medical negligence that may lead to a medical malpractice case:

Nerve damage during spinal surgery

Nerves run throughout the body to control movement and sensation in the limbs. A surgeon is expected to know where these nerves are located and how to avoid them during spinal surgery. However, if these nerves are cut, clamped, or significantly stretched during the procedure, it may result in severe pain, numbness, or paralysis in the patient’s limbs. This may be a chronic problem that requires additional surgeries to attempt to correct.

Complications with anesthesia

Anesthesia is routinely given during many surgical procedures. This is a delicate process that is managed by anesthesiologist throughout the surgery. If incorrect dosages are given to the patient or the effects of the anesthesia are not managed properly, these complications can cause serious injury or death in the patient. In addition, the anesthesiologist, during surgery, may be required to advise the surgeon to rotate your body or arms or legs, or actually do it without the aid of the surgeon to insure that the body is not compromised while it is stretched or elevated during surgery.

Complications caused to mother or child during or after delivery

Having a baby is an exciting stage in life, but the process can be dangerous without proper medical attention. Monitoring should be used throughout the labor to watch for signs of fetal distress. If these signs go unnoticed, the baby may not receive enough oxygen to its brain. This can result in lifelong health problems and handicaps, such as cerebral palsy. Other potential complications for the mother and child include placenta previa, brachial plexus injury, excessive blood loss, vaginal tearing, and more that can occur during the delivery process.

Misdiagnoses of cancer leading to death

The ability to treat and overcome cancer is strongly linked to early detection and diagnosis. When a doctor fails to recognize or treat signs that indicate cancer, it will continue to spread. Because cancer has the opportunity to affect more areas of the body, the patient’s treatment and recovery time will be significantly increased. The patient may face extensive and painful treatments that can include surgery to remove such things as internal organs that could have been avoided with early diagnosis. If cancer is not caught until it is in the final stages, it may result in the patient’s death.

Un-diagnosed appendicitis that ruptures and kills the patient

Appendicitis occurs when the appendix becomes inflamed. Although it is a common condition, it can quickly become very serious if not treated promptly. The only treatment for appendicitis is surgical removal of the appendix. If a doctor attributes the patient’s abdominal pain to something else and fails to properly diagnose appendicitis, the appendix will continue swelling until it ruptures. The infection that was within the appendix can then spread throughout the internal organs and membranes in the abdomen. While this can sometimes be treated with antibiotics, it can also result in the patient’s death.

Anyone in the Philadelphia area in need of assistance with a medical malpractice case is encouraged to contact Gay Chacker & Ginsburg. The firm has assisted clients with medical malpractice cases in Philadelphia since 1980. There is no charge for the initial consultation. To contact Gay Chacker & Ginsburg, please call 215-567-7955.

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