Pennsylvania Victims of motorcycle accidents often have long road to recovery

Pennsylvania bikers often cite the sense of freedom that only a motorcycle can provide as being one of the main reasons they choose to ride. With this freedom comes the knowledge that they are exposing themselves to a great chance of danger, as most motorcycle accidents end with a serious injury, if not death. An accident that involved a pastor resulted in the man suffering critical injuries. His wife, also a pastor, died.
The devastating accident occurred in Bern Township in Berks County. The husband and wife were riding their motorcycle when an SUV slammed into them. The wife was killed at the accident scene.
Police say the driver of the SUV, a 31-year-old man, had a blood-alcohol level of .329. That’s more than four times the legal limit in Pennsylvania. The man was charged with homicide by vehicle. His preliminary hearing occurred recently.
Those who are injured in motorcycle accidents in Pennsylvania due to the negligence of the other party often choose to pursue a personal injury claim. When a fatality occurs, the victim’s immediate family members may opt to file a wrongful death claim against the party believed responsible. In the instant case, the pastor who survived the crash would have the right to sue on his own behalf as well as on behalf of his deceased wife. Both claims must be based upon evidence of negligence that either caused or materially contributed to the accident and injuries that resulted. If the SUV driver is convicted of the pending criminal charges, proof of that may be offered as evidence to establish financial liability in a related civil court proceeding.
Source:, “Local pastor home recovering after motorcycle crash”, Ryan Hughes, Aug. 10, 2015